A missive from the Crown of Lochac:
The Barons and Baronesses of Lochac put in amazing work in sustaining the Kingdom. At some point however such efforts deserve respite. We were saddened when we heard that Master Thomas Bacchus and the Honourable Lady Mildryth Thomaswyf, Baron and Baroness of Mordenvale had decided that it was time for them to step aside, but we thank them for all their work and wish them well in their retirement.
Our thanks also go to all those candidates who indicated their willingness to serve their Barony in one of the most demanding and valuable roles to play in the Kingdom. It speaks volumes of their courage and dedication to the Kingdom.
Know that we will be pleased to travel to Tocal in July to elevate the new Baron and Baroness of Mordenvale, the Honourable Lord Gavriil Slotkovich and Lady Kolfinna Burlufotr.
Pro Regnum et populi,
Ratbot & Katherine