Below is the full list of Officers who help run the group. Should you be wondering who to contact, take a quick look through the descriptions of the areas they look after.

Baron & Baroness
The Baron and Baroness are the ceremonial leaders of our group, representing us to the wider SCA, and overseeing the activities and operations of the Barony.
Our Baron and Baroness are Gavriil Slotkovich and Kolfinna Burlufotr

Seneschal (President)
The Seneschal is the chief administrator of our group and represents us to the outside world.
Our Seneschal is Duke Rowland Bridgeford
Deputy Seneschal (Vice-President)
The Deputy Seneschal assists the Seneschal with the administration of the group.
Our Deputy Seneschal is Mistress Lillian D’Ath
College Seneschal (St Crispins)
The College Seneschal is the chief administrative officer and principal legal representative of the SCA in the College.
The College of St Crispins Seneschal Angharad ferch Rheghed

Reeve (Treasurer)
The Reeve is responsible for the financial affairs of the Barony.
Our Reeve is Bantiarna Gráinne Uaine

Arts & Sciences Minister (Arts & Crafts Coordinator)
The Arts & Sciences Minister (A&S) coordinates the study and practice of medieval non-combat skills within our group. If you want to learn how to do something or have a specific interest, this is the person to ask!
Our A&S Minister is Viscount Sir Ragnar Magnusson

Armoured Combat Marshal (Armoured Combat Coordinator)
The Armoured Combat Marshal promotes the skill of heavy fighting, organises training, and ensures everyone’s safety during combat activities. They are the ideal person to talk to if you’re interested in learning how to fight, or you’ve been learning how and want to know where to get your own equipment.
Our Armoured Combat Marshal is Sir Griffin Westcastle

Rapier Marshal (Renaissance Fencing Coordinator)
The Rapier Marshal promotes the art of fencing, organises training, and ensures the safety of fighters and spectators during combat activities. If you’re interested in learning to fence in the SCA, this is the person to talk to.
Position currently vacant

Captain of Archers (Archery Coordinator)
The Captain of Archers promotes target and combat archery, organises training, and ensures the safety of participants and spectators. They are the perfect person to talk to about learning to shoot, improving your skills, or getting equipment.
Position currently vacant

List Keeper (Combat Records Keeper)
The List Keeper records all currently authorised combatants in the Barony, and the results of any tournaments.
Position currently vacant

Constable (Legal and Safety Officer)
The Constable is responsible for ensuring our activities comply with both external laws and SCA regulations, and that our practices are safe for our members.
Our Constable is Bantiarna Gráinne Uaine
Email to come

Herald (Event Announcer and Coat-of-Arms Adviser)
The Herald has two roles: during events and in Court, where they are responsible for announcements; at other times, they assist members of the group in choosing medieval names and personal coats-of-arms.
Our herald is Master Gilchrist Morgan

Chirurgeon (First Aid Officer)
The Chirurgeon is responsible for making sure appropriate first aid is available at our events.
Position currently vacant

Chronicler (Newsletter Administrator)
The Chronicler publishes an SCA group’s newsletter and keeps the populace up to date with upcoming events and meetings, advertisements, contact details for other officers and Royalty, as well as other items of interest.
Our Webwright is Mästarinna Fenissa Æriksdotter
Quartermaster (Equipment Loans Officer)
The Quartermaster keeps track of the equipment kept by the Barony for use at our events. If you need something for an event and you don’t know how to get it, this is the person to talk to!
Position currently vacant

Hospitaller (Newcomers Officer)
The Hospitaller is in charge of recruiting and welcoming new members, and coordinating requests for public displays. They are a great person to approach with any questions you have about getting involved or coming along to our events.
Our Hospitaller is Mistress Mildryth Thomaswyf
Until this position is filled, please contact our Seneschal –

Webwright (Website Administrator)
The Webwright is responsible for maintenance and updates to this website and our group email list.
Our Webwright is Mästarinna Fenissa Æriksdotter

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