There are several awards given to members of the Mordenvale populace at a Baronial level for different reasons.
The Order of the Raven Feather (GF/RF) – Originally named The Order of the Green Feather, this is typically the first Baronial recognition a member of the populace receives. It is given by the Baron And Baroness of Mordenvale to acknowledge that a newcomer has been seen to have settled into the Barony. This award is for recognition that the recipient is now seen as one of us. During the tenure of Ulf and Sigrid, it was re-named the Raven Feather in honour of the Viking Raven.

The Order of the Jade Annulet (JA) – Mordenvale’s Arts and Sciences award in recognition for participation, encouragement and teaching of the arts and sciences within the Barony.
The Order of the Red Cloak (RC) – Mordenvale’s Martial award in recognition for participation, encouragement and teaching of the martial arts of either/or Heavy, Rapier and Archery fighting within the Barony.
The Unfurled Lymphad (UL) – Mordenvale’s award in recognition for continued service within the Barony.
The Order of the Golden Chevron (GC) – Mordenvale’s Courtesy and Grace award.
The Cup of Friendship (CF) – Mordenvale’s award in recognition for assistance from those outside of the Barony to those within Mordenvale.
Baronial Call to Arms (CA) – Mordenvale’s award in recognition for those who heed the call to arms and return to the Barony after a time away.
The Order of the Iron Serpent (IS) – This award celebrates mighty deeds on the War field.
Baron or Baroness’s Cypher – A personal award for service to the Baron or Baroness of Mordenvale.
The Order of the Silver Boar – For prolonged excellence in the fields of Service, Arts and Sciences, and Martial Activity within Mordenvale.
For a full list of award recipients, please check our log here.
Award Recommendations
If you believe that a member of the populace has fulfilled the requirements of a particular award, please let the Baron and Baroness know by submitting a recommendation. Fill out the form or email