Be it known that there will be held, on the 27th of May, a tournament at Gregson Park in Hamilton.
All knights and others that pursue the virtues of chivalry, are summoned to contest one another in honourable combat for the glory of them and their fair consorts that inspire and embolden them. The victor shall receive a prize.
Please arrive early to don armour, be inspected, and present yourselves to the list.
The park is surrounded by ample parking and close to public transport. There are restrooms, shaded tables, benches, water fountains, barbecues, and a small playground.
The populace are encouraged to bring food, refreshments, and other comforts of pleasant repast in polite society.
Event is free, however, for participating non-registered members of the SCA, you will be asked to pay $10 for an insurance charge and sign some basic paperwork. Members, please remember to bring your membership cards.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the steward.
Steward: Bjorn Bjarnylr Bassason ór Bjarneyu